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Lottery wheels are also known as lottery covers (the cover system) which are basically an elimination method which enables the player to play the lottery with many numbers and a limited number of tickets, covering all the possibilities in order to win a certain prize in the lottery draw.

Usually when playing with the lottery wheels you aim for lower prizes and not the first prize, however when playing the lottery in general you automatically and statistically increase your chance to win the big prize anyway (since you play unlike when you don’t play).

The lottery wheels system is the smartest way to play the lottery without counting on pure luck.

The lottery wheels system is a simple system which presents you with the numbers and possibilities based on your budget and amount of numbers you wish to play – for example – a lottery wheel that covers 20 numbers (you need to pick 20 numbers that will play in the lottery) and if 6 of these 20 numbers match the 6 numbers drawn in the lottery draw (6 is just an example of course, there are different lottery draws around the world that require to pick 5 numbers and even 3 numbers) you win a guaranteed 4 match prize (4 out of 6 in this example). For that you will need to play 30 tickets. If the price of these 30 tickets is less than the winning prize of 4/6 and you are willing to risk based on the fact out of these 20 numbers you will likely to hit 6 out of 6 which is not easy but it’s better to try 6 out of 20 than 6 out of 45 right?

Lottery wheels come in all shapes and sizes and it’s up to the player to choose which of the lottery wheels he would like to play.

Most of the lottery systems depend on the lottery wheels system and they basically provide you with the actual wheels that you can start playing right away and a basic short explanation (there’s nothing to explain actually it’s as simple as it gets).

As previously explained in how to win the lottery, lottery wheels are the best way to win the lottery now days and all other ways counting on numerology and guessing numbers and birthdates and other special occasions worth nothing.

The most popular lottery wheels systems are:

Silver Lotto System

Inverted Lottery System

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