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22Lottery is one of the leading brands in the online lottery industry.

Top ranked in various lottery related keywords including online lottery, free online lottery with over 4,500 results for the brand name itself.

With a member database containing thousands of active users who play daily and a steady growth rate 22Lottery placed itself as a lottery authority site enabling users to play online and enjoy other lottery related products.

There's a growing demand for online lottery services and free lottery games online. 22Lottery.com is ranked in top positions for these keywords.

Traffic is 100% SEO from various search engines (mainly Google).

22Lottery operates a sophisticated geo targeted advertising system and sends out a monthly newsletter which shows a great deal of success.

22Lottery comes in 3 languages – Italian, French and German.

50% of 22Lottery’s members are USA based, the rest are European (Italian, French, German) and worldwide.

22Lottery offers its partners with several advertising opportunities including Homepage Links and Banners, Dedicated Pages and Reviews and Ad spots inside the user’s accounts, In addition to these options, the huge mailing list is a great option sending out to thousands of players in different languages.

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